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Team Members

With nearly four decades of experience providing affordable housing compliance, monitoring and certification services, our certified professional Affordable Housing Compliance Specialists have deep expertise with single-source and multilayered funding programs.

+ - Marshall Linn- President/CEO

Marshall Linn is the President and CEO of Urban Futures Bond Administration, Inc. Mr. Linn founded the Company in 1979 and has built the firm to what it is today, serving over 150 clients throughout the State of California, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada.

Over the past 35 years Mr. Linn has built a strong team of compliance specialists providing his clients with highly experienced professionals. He and his team have served as administrator and/or compliance agent to over 150 entities throughout the western United States and are responsible for the program administration of over 1,400 affordable rental housing projects.

Mr. Linn has served as guest lecturer at the University of Southern California and has taught graduate level classes at both the University of Southern California, Irvine Campus, as well as at Cal Poly University, Pomona, California.

B. S., Economics and Public Administration, University of Southern California
M.P.A., Economics and Public Administration, University of Southern California

California Redevelopment Association (CRA)
California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO)
Government Finance Officers Association
California Association for Local Economic Development – Past Member of the Board of Directors
American Institute of Planners – Past President & Member, Orange County Chapter

+ - Raette Frazeur - Vice President

Vice President
Raette Frazeur is the Vice President of Urban Futures Bond Administration, Inc. whose clients include the Los Angeles Housing & Community Investment Department, California Statewide Community Development Authority along with numerous cities and agencies throughout the State of California, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado. After joining the firm in 2008, Raette assumed the role of managing the compliance business with an affordable housing portfolio consisting of over 150,000 units.

Raette works closely with UFBAs clients to establish and refine compliance policies and procedures and is actively involved in the development and training of owners and property managers on behalf of UFBAs clients.

+ - Sara Tobin - Operations Manager

Operations Manager

Sara Tobin has been in the industry 5+ years and is responsible for overseeing compliance staff for the CSCDA portfolio consisting of over 50,000 units. She specializes in the compliance monitoring of multifamily rental housing projects that are multi-layered, combining HOME, LIHTC, Bond & Project-Based Section 8 (among other programs) funding sources. She works with and educates Owners, Property Management Companies and Property Managers, reviews and analyzes compliance reports, tenant certifications & re-certifications to determine program eligibility and conducts on-site audits. In addition to her monitoring responsibilities, Sara performs the department’s daily administrative tasks, oversees the clerical staff and assists with client and project communications. Ms. Tobin attended Cal-Poly University Pomona and is a National Compliance Professional candidate.

+ - Vicky Gomez - Compliance Lead

Compliance Lead
Vicky Gomez has been in the industry 6+ years and is responsible for overseeing compliance staff for the Multifamily portfolio of over 40,000 units. She specializes in the compliance monitoring of multifamily rental housing projects that are multi-layered, combining HOME, LIHTC, Bond & Project-Based Section 8 (among other programs) funding sources. She works with and educates Owners, Property Management Companies and Property Managers, reviews and analyzes compliance reports, tenant certifications & re-certifications to determine program eligibility, conducts on-site audits and reviews/approves initial (move-in) files for several Section 42 (Tax Credit) projects. Ms. Gomez is fluent in Spanish, both written and spoken, and holds the designations of Certified Occupancy Specialist (COS) and Certified Low Income Housing Tax Credit Property Manager (LIHTC-PM).

+ - Norma Cruz - Compliance Lead

Compliance Lead
Norma Cruz specializes in the compliance monitoring of multifamily rental housing projects that are multi-layered, combining HOME, LIHTC, Bond & Project-Based Section 8 (among other programs) funding sources.  Ms. Cruz educates and works with Developers, Owners, Property Management Companies and Property Managers to ensure compliance with Federal, State and Local requirements required by the loan funding type set forth in the Covenants and/or Regulatory Agreements.  She reviews and analyzes compliance reports, tenant certifications & re-certifications to determine program eligibility and reviews/approves initial (move-in) files for several Section 42 (Tax Credit) projects.  She also conducts annual on-site audits and has conducted one-on-one and group trainings for onsite staff.

Ms. Cruz has been in the industry over 14 years and previously worked in residential property management as a Compliance & Leasing Specialist.  Her duties included ensuring company’s compliance with the Section 42 (Tax Credit), HUD (Section 8 Programs), Bond, Home, Land Use & Major Project programs. Norma prepared, maintained and provided all required reports to various agencies.  She has also overseen initial project lease-ups ensuring timely and accurate processing of applicants while conducting 100% file reviews and prepared properties for CTCAC and other Audits.  Ms. Cruz worked closely with Owners, investors & monitoring agencies to ensure project compliance with all aspects of program requirements.  Ms. Cruz is fluent in Spanish, both written and spoken, and holds the designations of Tax Credit Compliance Specialist (TaCCs®) and Housing Quality Standards Specialist (HQS-S).

In addition, many of our Compliance Specialists have backgrounds in affordable housing property management, which brings a unique perspective to their roles in housing program compliance administration, specifically the certification process.
  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  • Earthquake Emergency Loan
  • Earthquake Neighborhood Preservation Program (EQ-NPP)
  • Home Investment Partnership Program Funds (HOME)
  • Housing Choice Vouchers
  • Land Use
  • Low Income Housing Tax Credits
  • Major Projects
  • Neighborhood Preservation
  • Neighborhood Preservation Program-Rehab (NPP-Rehab)
  • Project Based Section 8
  • Public Housing
  • Section 236
  • Shelter-Plus-Care & Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) grants
  • Single-Family and Multi-Family Tax Exempt Bond Projects
Collectively, UFBA Affordable Housing Compliance Specialists hold the following designations
  • Accredited Residential Manager (ARM)
  • Certified Assistant Housing Manager (AHM)
  • Certified Low Income Housing Tax Credit Property Manager (HCCP)
  • Certified National Compliance Professional (NCP)
  • Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO)
  • Certified Tax Credit Specialist (TaCCs)
  • Certified Tax Credit Compliance System (TaCCs®)
  • Certified Housing Choice Voucher Specialist from Nan McKay and Associates
  • Certified Housing Quality Standards Specialist (HQS-S)
  • Certified HUD Occupancy Specialist for project based Section 8 (COS)by the National Center for Housing Management (NCHM)
  • Certified as Professional Trainers In Homebuyer Education from Neighbor Works Training Institute